User Guide

TCP proxy

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) proxy is a part of internal TCP extension and supports both insecure TCP and secure TCP using SSL/TLS.

TCP proxy configuration

To setup TCP proxy, you have to configure the following parameters:

  • Proxy IP - IP address on which the proxy will listen to new connections (client will connect to it).
  • Proxy port - Proxy on which the proxy will listen.
  • Target IP - IP address of the real server.
  • Target port - port of the application on the real server.
  • Close delay (ms) - how many milliseconds will the proxy connection wait before closing sockets (f.e. when client sends data and closes the connection between client and proxy → proxy will wait 100 ms before closing the connection between proxy and server).
  • Buffer size - maximal number of bytes to read from the TCP stream in one PDU.
  • Charset - charset of the data (ISO-8859-1 recommended).

SSL/TLS configuration

You can use SSL/TLS with TCP by configuring the following options:

  • Server (between client and proxy)
    • Algorithm - which SSL/TLS algorithm you want to use.
    • Keystore type - type of provided keystore (JKS, PKCS11, ...).
    • Keystore path - where is the keystore located.
    • Keystore password - password to decrypt the keystore.
    • Key password - password to decrypt the key.
  • Client (between proxy and server)
    • You can select SSL + certificate if you want the client to use client-certificate.
    • Client parameters are identical to the Server parameters.

To generate a certificate in JKS keystore, you can use the following command (tool that is part of official Java binaries):

keytool -genkey -alias petep -keyalg RSA -validity 3650 -keysize 4096 -keystore C:/server.jks