Development Guide


Internal Tagger extension allows developers to create their own tagging subrules.

Tag Subrule Data

Tag Subrule Data has no restrictions on what it has to implement. It is up to you what you will store inside it.

 * Tag subrule data.
 * <p>Can contain any serializable data for tag subrule.</p>
 * <p>Data should be immutable!</p>
public abstract class TagSubruleData {

Tag Subrule

Tag Subrule contains the main logic (method test() that returns true is should be tagger).

 * Tag subrule.
public abstract class TagSubrule {
    protected final TagSubruleFactory factory;
    protected TagSubruleData data;

     * Checks whether the PDU matches the subrule.
     * @param pdu PDU to check
     * @return {@code true} if the PDU matches the subrule
    public abstract boolean test(PDU pdu);

     * Creates deep copy of the Tag Subrule.
     * @return Deep copy of the Tag Subrule
    public TagSubrule copy() {
        return factory.createSubrule(data);

    public String toString() {
        return factory.getName();

Tag Subrule Configurator

Configurator is graphical element used for configuration of the subrule.

 * Base configurator class for tag subrules.
 * <p>Implementation should contain JavaFX controls for configuring the tag subrule data for specific factory.</p>
public abstract class TagSubruleConfigurator extends ConfigPane<TagSubruleData> {
     * Constructs tag subrule configurator.
     * @param template Path to FXML template
     * @throws IOException If the template could not be loaded
    protected TagSubruleConfigurator(String template) throws IOException {

Tag Subrule Factory

Tag Subrule Factory creates the subrule and also provides configuration pane (if it exists).

 * Tag subrule factory.
public abstract class TagSubruleFactory {
     * Obtains factory code (for configuration purposes).
     * @return Factory code for identification of the factory
    public abstract String getCode();

     * Obtains factory name (visible for user).
     * @return Factory name for displaying in GUI
    public abstract String getName();

     * Creates subrule using given data.
     * @param data Data for the subrule
     * @return Created tag subrule
    public abstract TagSubrule createSubrule(TagSubruleData data);

     * Obtains type of configuration, so it can be deserialized from JSON configuration.
     * @return Type of configuration for deserialization from JSON or empty optional if no configuration is needed
    public abstract Optional<Type> getConfigType();

     * Creates config pane for subrule data.
     * @return Tag subrule configurator for configuring modifier data or empty optional if no configurator is needed
     * @throws IOException If there was problem with loading the configuration pane
    public abstract Optional<TagSubruleConfigurator> createConfigPane() throws IOException;

    public String toString() {
        return getName();


In order to register TagSubruleFactory, you have to use the beforeInit method in your extension:

petep.PetepExtension: public void beforeInit(ExtensionHelper helper)
var maybeTagger = helper.getExtension("tagger");
if (maybeTagger.isEmpty()) {
var tagger = (TaggerApi) maybeTagger.get();

if (tagger.registerSubruleFactory(new ExampleTagSubruleFactory())) {
    Logger.getGlobal().info("Example tag subrule registered!");