Development Guide


Internal History extension allows developers to use History view and History service in their extensions.

If you want to use History in your extension, you have to obtain HistoryApi. That can be done in Extension.init method using the following code:

petep.PetepExtension: public void init(ExtensionHelper helper)
Optional<HistoryApi> historyApi = Optional.ofNullable((HistoryApi) extensionHelper.getExtension("history"));


HistoryApi allows you to register history listeners, create history views and obtain history service.

 * API for History extension
public interface HistoryApi {
     * Creates history view for displaying history in JavaFX context.
     * @param filter Initial filter to use in history view
     * @return History view object for managing history view
    HistoryView createView(HistoryFilter filter);

     * Gets history service for querying history.
     * @return History service
    HistoryService getService();

     * Registers listener for handling history events.
     * <p>
     *     <b>Note:</b> Listeners are stored using weak references in history module.
     *     Strong reference has to be stored somewhere in the code.
     * </p>
     * @param listener Listener to be registered
    void registerListener(HistoryListener listener);

     * Unregisters listener from the history extension.
     * @param listener Listener to be unregistered
    void unregisterListener(HistoryListener listener);


HistoryService can be used to run various operation on history.

 * History service is used for querying history.
public interface HistoryService {
     * Saves PDU to history repository
     * @param pdu PDU to be saved
     * @return Completable future for identifier of created PDU
    CompletableFuture<Optional<Long>> savePdu(HistoricPdu pdu);

     * Gets PDU from history repository
     * @param id PDU identifier
     * @return Completable future for PDU
    CompletableFuture<Optional<HistoricPdu>> getPdu(long id);

     * Deletes PDU from history repository
     * @param id PDU identifier
     * @return Completable future for boolean that signalizes if the deletion has been completed successfully
    CompletableFuture<Boolean> deletePdu(long id);

     * Deletes PDUs from history repository
     * @param ids PDU identifiers
     * @return Completable future for list of identifiers of PDUs, which have been successfully deleted
    CompletableFuture<List<Long>> deletePdus(Collection<Long> ids);

     * Clears the history.
     * @return Completable future signalizing that the history has been cleaned
    CompletableFuture<Void> clearHistory();

     * Gets all PDUs from history repository
     * @return Completable future for list of obtained PDUs
    CompletableFuture<List<HistoricPdu>> getPdus();

     * Gets all PDU views from history repository
     * @return Completable future for list of obtained PDU views
    CompletableFuture<List<HistoricPduView>> getPduViews();

     * Gets PDUs that match given filter from history repository
     * @param filter Filter for filtering PDUs
     * @return Completable future for list of obtained PDUs
    CompletableFuture<List<HistoricPdu>> getPdusByFilter(HistoryFilter filter);

     * Gets PDU views that match given filter from history repository
     * @param filter Filter for filtering PDU views
     * @return Completable future for list of obtained PDU views
    CompletableFuture<List<HistoricPduView>> getPduViewsByFilter(HistoryFilter filter);

     * Gets PDU identifiers that match given filter from history repository
     * @param filter Filter for filtering PDU identifiers
     * @return Completable future for list of obtained PDU identifiers
    CompletableFuture<Set<Long>> getPduIdsByFilter(HistoryFilter filter);

     * Gets all proxies from history repository
     * @return Completable future for list of obtained proxies
    CompletableFuture<List<HistoricProxy>> getProxies();

     * Gets all interceptors from history repository
     * @return Completable future for list of obtained proxies
    CompletableFuture<List<HistoricInterceptor>> getInterceptors();

     * Gets all connections from history repository
     * @return Completable future for list of obtained proxies
    CompletableFuture<List<HistoricConnection>> getConnections();

     * Gets all tags from history repository
     * @return Completable future for list of obtained proxies
    CompletableFuture<Set<String>> getTags();


HistoryView can be used to display history in extensions. It can be created using HistoryApi and should be destroyed using destroy() method.

 * History view is component for rendering PDU history in GUI.
 * <p>History view is automatically connected with the extension and refreshed.</p>
 * <p>After the view is not needed, destroy should be called, so that listeners are correctly unregistered.</p>
public interface HistoryView {
     * Get JavaFX node for history view.
     * @return JavaFX node that contains the whole HistoryView (table with historic items, PDU view, filter)
    Node getNode();

     * Get history filter.
     * @return Currently used HistoryFilter that filters items, which are added to the view
    HistoryFilter getFilter();

     * Sets history filter.
     * <p>This automatically refreshes the items, so that there are all items matching the filter.</p>
     * @param filter New HistoryFilter to be used for filtering items, which are added to the view
    void setFilter(HistoryFilter filter);

     * Destroys the view.
     * <p>This method should be called after the view is not needed anymore, because it handles unregistration of listeners etc.</p>
    void destroy();


HistoryFilter can be used to filter history items.

 * History filter for filtering PDUs in history extension.
 * <p><b>Note:</b> PduView cannot be filtered using data filter.</p>
public class HistoryFilter {
     * Filter by PDU destination
    private PduDestination destination;
     * Filter by proxy using the database identifier
    private Long proxyId;
     * Filter by interceptor using the database identifier
    private Long interceptorId;
     * Filter by connection using the database identifier
    private Long connectionId;
     * Filter by minimum PDU size
    private Integer fromSize;
     * Filter by maximum PDU size
    private Integer toSize;
     * Filter by tags
    private Set<String> tags;
     * Filter by data
    private byte[] data;
     * Charset of data provided in {@link HistoryFilter#data}
    private Charset dataCharset;
     * Type of data filter {@link HistoryFilter#data}
    private DataFilterType dataFilterType;
     * Should data filter be used as negative search {@link HistoryFilter#data}
    private boolean dataFilterNegative;

     * Checks whether the provided pduView complies the filter.
     * <p><b>Warning: Since {@link HistoricPduView} does not contain data buffer, it ignores data filter field.</b></p>
     * @param pduView PDU view to check
     * @return {@code true} if pduView complies with the filter
    public boolean matches(HistoricPduView pduView) {
        if (destination != null && pduView.getDestination() != destination) {
            return false;

        if (proxyId != null && !proxyId.equals(pduView.getProxyId())) {
            return false;

        if (interceptorId != null && !interceptorId.equals(pduView.getInterceptorId())) {
            return false;

        if (connectionId != null && !connectionId.equals(pduView.getConnectionId())) {
            return false;

        if (fromSize != null && fromSize > pduView.getSize()) {
            return false;

        if (toSize != null && toSize < pduView.getSize()) {
            return false;

        return tags == null || pduView.getTags().containsAll(tags);

     * Checks whether the provided pdu complies the filter.
     * @param pdu PDU to check against filter
     * @return {@code true} if pduView complies with the filter
    public boolean matches(HistoricPdu pdu) {
        if (destination != null && pdu.getDestination() != destination) {
            return false;

        if (proxyId != null && !proxyId.equals(pdu.getProxy().getId())) {
            return false;

        if (interceptorId != null && !interceptorId.equals(pdu.getInterceptor().getId())) {
            return false;

        if (connectionId != null && !connectionId.equals(pdu.getConnection().getId())) {
            return false;

        if (fromSize != null && fromSize > pdu.getSize()) {
            return false;

        if (toSize != null && toSize < pdu.getSize()) {
            return false;

        if (tags != null && !pdu.getTags().containsAll(tags)) {
            return false;

        if (data != null) {
            boolean result;
            if (dataFilterType == DataFilterType.STARTS_WITH) {
                result = BytesUtils.startsWith(pdu.getData(), pdu.getSize(), data);
            } else if (dataFilterType == DataFilterType.ENDS_WITH) {
                result = BytesUtils.endsWith(pdu.getData(), pdu.getSize(), data);
            } else {
                // CONTAINS is default
                result = BytesUtils.contains(pdu.getData(), pdu.getSize(), data);
            return dataFilterNegative != result;

        return true;

     * Checks whether the filter is empty.
     * @return {@code true} if the filter is empty (no filtering is set)
    public boolean isEmpty() {
        if (destination != null) {
            return false;

        if (proxyId != null) {
            return false;

        if (interceptorId != null) {
            return false;

        if (connectionId != null) {
            return false;

        if (fromSize != null) {
            return false;

        if (toSize != null) {
            return false;

        if (tags != null && !tags.isEmpty()) {
            return false;

        return data == null;

     * Generates filter for getting all PDUs.
     * @return History filter
    public static HistoryFilter all() {
        return new HistoryFilter();

     * Type of data filter
    public enum DataFilterType {
         * Checks whether the historic PDU contains specified data.
         * Checks whether the historic PDU starts with specified data.
         * Checks whether the historic PDU ends with specified data.


HistoryListener can be used to listen for history events.

 * History listener for listening to events of History.
 * <p>There are create, delete and clear events produced.</p>
 * <p>Listeners can be registered through {@link com.warxim.petep.extension.internal.history.service.HistoryService}.</p>
 * <p>Since these listeners are stored as weak references, strong reference should be kept somewhere in the code.</p>
public interface HistoryListener {
     * Handles creation of historic PDU.
     * @param pdu Created PDU, which has been persisted to database
     * @param pduView View of the created PDU
    default void onHistoricPduCreate(HistoricPdu pdu, HistoricPduView pduView) {}

     * Handles deletion of historic PDUs.
     * @param ids Collection of identifiers of PDUs, which have been deleted
    default void onHistoricPduDelete(Collection<Long> ids) {}

     * Handles deletion of all historic items (PDUs, tags, ...).
    default void onHistoryClear() {}


There are multiple history data models. HistoricPdu, HistoricConnection and so on. There is also so-called HistoryPduView that contains only few items that are required for HistoryView panel.

 * Historic PDU model
public class HistoricPdu {
     * Identifier of the PDU in the database
    private Long id;
     * Originating proxy
    private HistoricProxy proxy;
     * Originating connection
    private HistoricConnection connection;
     * Originating interceptor (where the PDU has been recorded)
    private HistoricInterceptor interceptor;
     * Destination of the PDU
    private PduDestination destination;
     * Set of PDU tags
    private Set<String> tags;
     * Size of PDU data
    private int size;
     * Time when the PDU has been recorded
    private Instant time;
     * Charset of the data
    private Charset charset;
     * Data
    private byte[] data;
     * Serialized metadata (key = metadata name, value = metadata value)
    private Map<String, String> metadata;
 * Historic proxy model
public class HistoricProxy {
     * Identifier of the proxy in the database
    private Long id;
     * Code of the proxy
    private String code;
     * Name of the proxy
    private String name;
 * Historic connection model
public class HistoricConnection {
     * Identifier of the connection in the database
    private Long id;
     * Code of the connection
    private String code;
     * Name of the connection
    private String name;
 * Historic interceptor model
public class HistoricInterceptor {
     * Identifier of the interceptor in the database
    private Long id;
     * Code of the interceptor
    private String code;
     * Name of the interceptor
    private String name;
 * Historic pdu view model
public class HistoricPduView {
     * Identifier of the PDU
    private long id;
     * Identifier of the originating proxy in the database
    private long proxyId;
     * Name of the originating proxy
    private String proxyName;
     * Identifier of the originating connection in the database
    private long connectionId;
     * Name of the originating connection
    private String connectionName;
     * Identifier of the originating connection in the database (where the PDU has been recorded)
    private long interceptorId;
     * Name of the originating interceptor
    private String interceptorName;
     * Destination of the PDU
    private PduDestination destination;
     * Set of PDU tags
    private Set<String> tags;
     * Size of PDU data
    private int size;
     * Time when the PDU has been recorded
    private Instant time;