Development Guide


PDUs (Protocol Data Units) are units used to transmit data through PETEP. They contain operational data (tags, destination, connection, ...), data bytes and you can expand them by adding your own protocol-specific data.

PDU interface

 * PDU (Protocol Data Unit) is core unit for data processed in PETEP
public interface PDU {
     * Checks if the PDU contain specified tag.
     * @param tag Tag to be checked
     * @return {@code true} if the PDU has the specified tag
    boolean hasTag(String tag);

     * Adds tag to the PDU.
     * @param tag Tag to be added
    void addTag(String tag);

     * Removes tag from the PDU.
     * @param tag Tag to be removed
    void removeTag(String tag);

     * Adds tags to the PDU.
     * @param tags Tags to be added to the PDU
    void addTags(Collection<String> tags);

     * Obtains tags.
     * @return Set of tags
    Set<String> getTags();

     * Obtains parent proxy.
     * @return Proxy from which this PDU is coming
    Proxy getProxy();

     * Sets parent proxy.
     * @param proxy Proxy to be set
    void setProxy(Proxy proxy);

     * Obtains PDU destination.
     * @return Destination of the PDU
    PduDestination getDestination();

     * Sets PDU destination.
     * @param destination Destination of the PDU
    void setDestination(PduDestination destination);

     * Obtains connection.
     * @return Connection that will handle sending of this PDU
    Connection getConnection();

     * Sets connection.
     * @param connection Connection that will handle sending of this PDU
    void setConnection(Connection connection);

     * Obtains last interceptor.
     * @return Last interceptor that processed this PDU
    Interceptor getLastInterceptor();

     * Sets last interceptor.
     * @param lastInterceptor Last interceptor that processed this PDU
    void setLastInterceptor(Interceptor lastInterceptor);

     * Get the data buffer.
     * @return The whole byte buffer used to store data (can be bigger that the data inside it)
    byte[] getBuffer();

     * Get size of data in the buffer.
     * @return Size of the data
    int getSize();

     * Set the buffer
     * @param buffer new byte array buffer to be used
     * @param size size of the data in provided buffer
    void setBuffer(byte[] buffer, int size);

     * Resizes the buffer.
     * @param size New size of the buffer
    void resize(int size);

     * Get the charset of the PDU.
     * @return Charset of the data in the buffer
    Charset getCharset();

     * Sets the charset of the PDU.
     * <p><b>Note:</b> Does not convert the data, just sets the charset property of PDU.</p>
     * @param charset Charset of the PDU
    void setCharset(Charset charset);

     * Creates deep copy of the PDU.
     * @return Deep copy of the PDU
    PDU copy();

Default PDU class

You do not have to create your own PDU class and you can use or extend DefaultPdu class that builds PDU on top of byte arrays.

Do not forget to override copy method when you extend DefaultPdu.

 * Default PDU implementation.
 * <p>Uses simple byte array for data buffer.</p>
 * <p>By default uses charset specified in {@link Constant#DEFAULT_CHARSET}.</p>
public class DefaultPdu implements PDU {
     * Parent proxy.
    protected Proxy proxy;
     * Parent connection.
    protected Connection connection;
     * PDU destination.
    protected PduDestination destination;
     * Interceptor in which was the PDU processed the last time.
    protected Interceptor lastInterceptor;
     * PDU tags.
    protected Set<String> tags;
     * Data buffer
    protected byte[] buffer;
     * Size of the data in the buffer
    protected int size;
     * Charset of the data in the buffer
    protected Charset charset;

     * Constructs default PDU.
     * @param proxy Proxy
     * @param connection Connection
     * @param destination Destination of the PDU
     * @param buffer Data buffer
     * @param size Size of the data in the buffer
     * @param charset Charset of the data in the buffer
     * @param tags Set of tags
    public DefaultPdu(Proxy proxy, Connection connection, PduDestination destination, byte[] buffer, int size, Charset charset, Set<String> tags) {
        this.proxy = proxy;
        this.destination = destination;
        this.connection = connection;
        this.tags = tags;
        this.buffer = buffer;
        this.size = size;
        this.charset = charset;

     * Constructs default PDU with default charset.
     * @param proxy Proxy
     * @param connection Connection
     * @param destination Destination of the PDU
     * @param buffer Data buffer
     * @param size Size of the data in the buffer
     * @param tags Set of tags
    public DefaultPdu(Proxy proxy, Connection connection, PduDestination destination, byte[] buffer, int size, Set<String> tags) {
        this(proxy, connection, destination, buffer, size, Constant.DEFAULT_CHARSET, tags);

     * Constructs default PDU with empty tag set.
     * @param proxy Proxy
     * @param connection Connection
     * @param destination Destination of the PDU
     * @param buffer Data buffer
     * @param size Size of the data in the buffer
     * @param charset Charset of the data in the buffer
    public DefaultPdu(Proxy proxy, Connection connection, PduDestination destination, byte[] buffer, int size, Charset charset) {
        this(proxy, connection, destination, buffer, size, charset, new HashSet<>());

     * Constructs default PDU with default charset and empty tag set.
     * @param proxy Proxy
     * @param connection Connection
     * @param destination Destination of the PDU
     * @param buffer Data buffer
     * @param size Size of the data in the buffer
    public DefaultPdu(Proxy proxy, Connection connection, PduDestination destination, byte[] buffer, int size) {
        this(proxy, connection, destination, buffer, size, Constant.DEFAULT_CHARSET, new HashSet<>());

    public byte[] getBuffer() {
        return buffer;

    public int getSize() {
        return size;

    public Charset getCharset() {
        return charset;

    public void setCharset(Charset charset) {
        this.charset = charset;

    public void setBuffer(byte[] buffer, int size) {
        this.buffer = buffer;
        this.size = size;

     * Resizes the buffer (expands the buffer when needed, but does not shrink the buffer).
     * <p>Creates new byte array and copies existing buffer to it, if the buffer has to be expanded.</p>
     * @param size Size of the data buffer
    public void resize(int size) {
        if (size <= buffer.length) {

        byte[] newBuffer = new byte[size];

        // Copy content of original buffer to new one.
        System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, newBuffer, 0, this.size);

        buffer = newBuffer;

    public PDU copy() {
        var pdu = new DefaultPdu(proxy, connection, destination, buffer.clone(), size, charset);


        return pdu;

    public boolean hasTag(String tag) {
        return tags.contains(tag);

    public void addTag(String tag) {

    public void removeTag(String tag) {

    public void addTags(Collection<String> tags) {

    public Set<String> getTags() {
        return tags;

    public Proxy getProxy() {
        return proxy;

    public void setProxy(Proxy proxy) {
        this.proxy = proxy;

    public PduDestination getDestination() {
        return destination;

    public void setDestination(PduDestination destination) {
        this.destination = destination;

    public Connection getConnection() {
        return connection;

    public void setConnection(Connection connection) {
        this.connection = connection;

    public Interceptor getLastInterceptor() {
        return lastInterceptor;

    public void setLastInterceptor(Interceptor lastInterceptor) {
        this.lastInterceptor = lastInterceptor;

PDU Queue class

PDU queues are blocking queues used in various places in PETEP.

 * Queue of PDUs.
 * <p>Based on {@link BlockingQueue}.</p>
public class PduQueue {
    private final BlockingQueue<PDU> queue;

     * Constructs PDU queue.
    public PduQueue() {
        queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();

     * Add PDU to queue.
     * @param pdu PDU to be added to the queue
    public void add(PDU pdu) {

     * Obtains PDU from queue (blocks until there is PDU).
     * @return PDU from queue
     * @throws InterruptedException If interrupted while waiting
    public PDU take() throws InterruptedException {
        return queue.take();

     * Obtains and removes the head of the queue.
     * @return PDU from queue or empty optional if the queue is empty
    public Optional<PDU> poll() {
        return Optional.ofNullable(queue.poll());

     * Get queue size.
     * @return Size of the queue
    public int size() {
        return queue.size();

     * Clears queue.
    public void clear() {

     * Checks if the queue is empty.
     * @return {@code true} if the queue is empty
    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return queue.isEmpty();

Serialized PDU

Serialized PDUs are standard way of serializing PDUs to persistable format. (It contains codes of proxies, connections, serialized metadata etc.)

 * Simple object representing serialized PDU.
 * <p>All PDU fields represented by data types, which can be serialized by PETEP.</p>
 * <p>Can be displayed by {@link com.warxim.petep.gui.control.SerializedPduView}.</p>
 * <p>Can be user for storing PDUs as part of configuration/store.</p>
public class SerializedPdu {
     * Proxy serialized as proxy code.
    private String proxy;
     * Connection serialized as connection code.
    private String connection;
     * Interceptor serialized as interceptor code.
    private String interceptor;
    private PduDestination destination;
    private byte[] buffer;
    private Charset charset = Constant.DEFAULT_CHARSET;
    private Set<String> tags = new HashSet<>();
     * Map of serialized metadata (key = metadata name, value = metadata value)
    private Map<String, String> metadata = new HashMap<>();

     * Creates deep copy of the serialized PDU.
     * @return Deep copy of the serialized PDU
    public SerializedPdu copy() {
        return SerializedPdu.builder()
                .tags(new HashSet<>(tags))
                .metadata(new HashMap<>(metadata))