Development Guide


Valid PETEP extension is any JAR file that contains package "petep" with class "PetepExtension" that extends the Extension class and implements all the abstract methods.


Contains path to the extension JAR file.
Extension code has to be unique for the project, so choose is wisely. (Characters recommended: A-Za-z0-9-_.)
Name of the extension displayed to the user.
Description of the extension displayed to the user.
Version of the extension.


void beforeInit(ExtensionHelper helper)
Runs before extensions are initialized.
void init(ExtensionHelper helper)
Extension should be initalized inside this method - registration of modules etc.
void afterInit(ExtensionHelper helper)
Runs after extensions are initialized.
void beforeInitGui(GuiHelper helper)
Runs before extension GUIs are initialized.
void initGui(GuiHelper helper)
Extension GUI should be initialized inside this method - creation of tabs etc.
void afterInitGui(GuiHelper helper)
Runs after extension GUIs are initialized.

Extension class

 * Superclass for extensions.
 * <p>Each extension is identified by its code, so it has to be unique across the whole application.</p>
public abstract class Extension {
     * Path where the extension .jar file is located.
    private final String path;

     * Initializes the extension.
     * @param helper Helper for working with PETEP
    public void init(ExtensionHelper helper) {}

     * Runs before extensions are initialized.
     * @param helper Helper for working with PETEP
    public void beforeInit(ExtensionHelper helper) {}

     * Runs after extensions are initialized.
     * @param helper Helper for working with PETEP
    public void afterInit(ExtensionHelper helper) {}

     * Initializes the extension GUI.
     * @param helper Helper for working with PETEP GUI
    public void initGui(GuiHelper helper) {}

     * Runs before extension GUIs are initialized.
     * @param helper Helper for working with PETEP GUI
    public void beforeInitGui(GuiHelper helper) {}

     * Runs after extension GUIs are initialized.
     * @param helper Helper for working with PETEP GUI
    public void afterInitGui(GuiHelper helper) {}

     * Destroys the extension.
    public void destroy() {}

     * Obtains extension code.
     * @return Code of the extension
    public abstract String getCode();

     * Obtains extension name.
     * @return Name of the extension
    public abstract String getName();

     * Obtains extension description.
     * @return Description of the extension
    public abstract String getDescription();

     * Obtains extension version.
     * @return Version of the extension
    public abstract String getVersion();


If you want to send data across different extensions, you can use Receiver class. (You can register receivers or obtain them through extension helper.) For example, you can send SerializedPdu or PDU to Repeater extension, which adds them to Repeater tabs.

Warning: Receivers are persisted using weak references, so you have to keep the strong reference yourself (avoid lambdas).

 * Receiver for cross extension data transfer.
 * <p>Receivers are identified by their code, so it has to be unique across the application.</p>
 * <p>Receivers can be registered through {@link com.warxim.petep.helper.ExtensionHelper}.</p>
 * <p><b>Note:</b> Receivers are kept using weak references, so they have to be stored somewhere as strong reference.</p>
public interface Receiver {
     * Obtains name of the receiver.
     * @return Name for displaying in the GUI
    String getName();

     * Obtains code of the receiver.
     * @return Code for identifying the receiver
    String getCode();

     * Checks whether the receiver supports specified class (as input data).
     * @param clazz Class to check
     * @return {@code true} if the receiver supports given class
    boolean supports(Class<?> clazz);

     * Receives data in receiver.
     * @param data Data to be received
    void receive(Object data);