Let's create our own guide for our extension.
First we are going to create our Guide class and specify in what resorce file we have our HTML code.
* Guide for example extension.
public class ExampleGuide extends Guide {
public String getHtml() {
return loadHtmlResource("/html/ExampleGuide.html");
public String getTitle() {
return "Example Guide";
Now we can create our HTML file resource.
<p>Welcome to example guide!</p>
<strong>Example Link</strong>:
<a onclick="petep.openLink('http://example.com/');return false;">
And finally, we can register the Guide inside our PetepExtension.initGui() method by adding the following line to it.
helper.registerGuide(new ExampleGuide());
That's it! After deploying the extension, we will be able to see the guide in application Guide.