Development Guide


Connection is created in proxies and its purpose is to handle connection between client ⇄ proxy ⇄ server. It reads data from client/server and sends it to PETEP using process method and writes data to client/server from queues.

In order to manage connections, you have to implement ConnectionManager or use the one of default connection manager classes.

Connection interface

 * Connection in PETEP proxy has to handle both connection between client and proxy and between proxy and server.
public interface Connection {
     * Obtains connection code
     * @return Connection code
    String getCode();

     * Obtains connection parent proxy
     * @return Parent proxy
    Proxy getProxy();

     * Sends PDU outside PETEP
     * @param pdu PDU to be sent
    void send(PDU pdu);

     * Checks whether the PDU is supported by this connection.
     * @param pdu PDU to be checked
     * @return {@code true} if the connection supports the specified pdu
    boolean supports(PDU pdu);

     * Converts connection to displayable string (e.g. in JavaFX components)
     * @return Displayable description of connection
    String toString();

     * Starts connection.
     * <p>
     *     <b>Warning:</b> this method should return ASAP - it should be used to create threads and then return immediately.
     * </p>
     * @return {@code true} if the start was successful
    boolean start();

     * Stops connection.
    void stop();

Connection base

 * ConnectionBase is an abstract implementation of Connection, which uses two queues for outgoing data
 * and implements most of the required methods.
public abstract class ConnectionBase implements Connection {
     * Unique identifier of the connection.
    protected final String code;

     * Parent proxy.
    protected final Proxy proxy;

     * Outgoing queue in direction C2S (client -&gt; server).
    protected final PduQueue queueC2S;

     * Outgoing queue in direction S2C (client &lt;- server).
    protected final PduQueue queueS2C;

     * Constructs connection.
     * @param code Unique code of the connection
     * @param proxy Proxy to which the connection belongs
    protected ConnectionBase(String code, Proxy proxy) {
        this.code = code;
        this.proxy = proxy;
        this.queueC2S = new PduQueue();
        this.queueS2C = new PduQueue();

    public String getCode() {
        return code;

    public Proxy getProxy() {
        return proxy;

    public void send(PDU pdu) {
        if (pdu.getDestination() == PduDestination.SERVER) {
        } else {

    public boolean supports(PDU pdu) {
        return proxy.supports(pdu);

     * About connection.
    public String toString() {
        return "Connection '" + code + '\'';

     * Starts connection.
     * <p>
     *     <b>Warning:</b> this method should return ASAP - it should be used to create threads and then return immediately.
     * </p>
     * @return {@code true} if the start was successful
    public abstract boolean start();

     * Stops connection.
    public abstract void stop();

     * Processes PDU in PETEP
     * <p>Puts PDU into internal PETEP processing, which consists of various configured interceptors.</p>
     * @param pdu PDU to be processed
    protected void process(PDU pdu) {

Connection Manager interface

You do not have to create your own PDU class and you can use or extend DefaultPdu class that builds PDU on top of byte arrays.

 * Interface of connection manager that is used by internal or external modules to work with connections of a given proxy.
 * <p>
 *     All methods should call appropriate listener methods through PetepHelper,
 *     for example, when adding connection - onConnectionStart should be called.
 * </p>
public interface ConnectionManager {
     * Obtains connection by code.
     * @param code Code of connection to be obtained
     * @return Connection or empty optional, if no connection exist with specified code
    Optional<Connection> get(String code);

     * Adds connection to the connection manager.
     * @param connection Connection to be added
     * @return {@code true} if the connection was successfully added
    boolean add(Connection connection);

     * Removes connection from the connection manager.
     * @param connection Connection to be removed
     * @return {@code true} if the connection was successfully removed (if it was present in the manager)
    boolean remove(Connection connection);

     * Removes connection from the connection manager.
     * @param code Code of connection to be removed
     * @return Connection or empty optional, if no connection existed with specified code
    Optional<Connection> remove(String code);

     * Get list of connections.
     * @return List of connections
    List<Connection> getList();

     * Stops all connections.
    void stop();

Integer Based Connection Manager class

Integer Based Connection Manager class is build on top of concurrent hashmap that uses integer identifier as the key.

 * Default connection manager that uses ConcurrentHashMap for connection storage and Integer as connection code.
 * <p>
 *     Does not call start/stop on connection, but calls listener onStart/onStop, when connection is added/removed.
 * </p>
public class IntegerBasedConnectionManager implements ConnectionManager {
     * PETEP helper for currently running core.
    protected final PetepHelper helper;

     * Connection listener for reporting new connections etc.
    protected final ConnectionListener listener;

     * Map of connections.
    protected final ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, Connection> connections;

     * ID of last connection.
    private final AtomicInteger lastId;

     * Constructs connection manager based on integer codes.
     * @param helper PETEP helper for currently running core
    public IntegerBasedConnectionManager(PetepHelper helper) {
        this.helper = helper;
        listener = helper.getConnectionListener();
        connections = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
        lastId = new AtomicInteger(0);

    public Optional<Connection> get(String code) {
        return Optional.ofNullable(connections.get(Integer.parseInt(code)));

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p>
     *  <b>Note:</b> Does not start the connection, but reports it as started to listener.
     * </p>
     * @param connection Connection to be added
     * @return {@code true} if the connection was successfully added
    public boolean add(Connection connection) {
        if (connections.putIfAbsent(Integer.parseInt(connection.getCode()), connection) == null) {
            return true;
        return false;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p>
     *  <b>Note:</b> Does not stop the connection, but reports it as stopped to listener.
     * </p>
     * @param connection Connection to be removed
     * @return {@code true} if the connection was successfully removed (if it was present in the manager)
    public boolean remove(Connection connection) {
        if (connections.remove(Integer.parseInt(connection.getCode()), connection)) {
            return true;
        return false;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p>
     *  <b>Note:</b> Does not stop the connection, but reports it as stopped to listener.
     * </p>
     * @param code Code of connection to be removed (automatically converted to integer)
     * @return Connection or empty optional, if no connection existed with specified code
    public Optional<Connection> remove(String code) {
        var connection = connections.remove(Integer.parseInt(code));
        if (connection != null) {
        return Optional.ofNullable(connection);

    public List<Connection> getList() {
        return new ArrayList<>(connections.values());

    public void stop() {

     * Generates new id for connection.
     * @return (Last ID + 1) converted to string.
    public String nextCode() {
        return String.valueOf(lastId.incrementAndGet());

String Based Connection Manager class

String Based Connection Manager class is build on top of concurrent hashmap that uses string identifier as the key.

 * Default connection manager that uses ConcurrentHashMap for connection storage and any String as connection code.
 * <p>
 *     Does not call start/stop on connection, but calls listener onStart/onStop, when connection is added/removed.
 * </p>
public class StringBasedConnectionManager implements ConnectionManager {
     * PETEP helper for currently running core.
    protected final PetepHelper helper;

     * Connection listener for reporting new connections etc.
    protected final ConnectionListener listener;

     * Map of connections.
    protected final ConcurrentHashMap<String, Connection> connections;

     * Constructs connection manager based on string codes.
     * @param helper PETEP helper for currently running core
    public StringBasedConnectionManager(PetepHelper helper) {
        this.helper = helper;
        listener = helper.getConnectionListener();
        connections = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

    public Optional<Connection> get(String code) {
        return Optional.ofNullable(connections.get(code));

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p>
     *  <b>Note:</b> Does not start the connection, but reports it as started to listener.
     * </p>
     * @param connection Connection to be added
     * @return {@code true} if the connection was successfully added
    public boolean add(Connection connection) {
        if (connections.putIfAbsent(connection.getCode(), connection) == null) {
            return true;
        return false;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p>
     *  <b>Note:</b> Does not stop the connection, but reports it as stopped to listener.
     * </p>
     * @param connection Connection to be removed
     * @return {@code true} if the connection was successfully removed (if it was present in the manager)
    public boolean remove(Connection connection) {
        if (connections.remove(connection.getCode(), connection)) {
            return true;
        return false;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p>
     *  <b>Note:</b> Does not stop the connection, but reports it as stopped to listener.
     * </p>
     * @param code Code of connection to be removed
     * @return Connection or empty optional, if no connection existed with specified code
    public Optional<Connection> remove(String code) {
        var connection = connections.remove(code);
        if (connection != null) {
        return Optional.ofNullable(connection);

    public List<Connection> getList() {
        return new ArrayList<>(connections.values());

    public void stop() {


Connection listener

Warning: Listeners are persisted using weak references, so you have to keep the strong reference yourself (avoid lambdas).

 * ConnectionListener allows code to listen for connection start/stop events.
 * <p>
 *     All event handlers should be called from ConnectionManager.
 * </p>
public interface ConnectionListener {
     * Event for connection start.
     * @param connection Connection that started
    default void onConnectionStart(Connection connection) {}

     * Event for connection stop.
     * @param connection Connection that stopped
    default void onConnectionStop(Connection connection) {}